The vice chancellor of Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Professor Sola Fajana has expressed bitterness towards JABU Award Night, during the Wednesday community prayer service.

He decried the student Union, for deceiving the school management, and also condemned the award given to the most beautiful girl, as this was because the lady did not dress to glorify God. He further explained that he was happy that a whole Bishop that was invited to the event did not make it, as this would have tarnished the image of the school in his presence.


Professor Sola Fajana

The vice chancellor, also condemned Olamide’s performance, as the star musician used the chapel seats as a stepping stone to climb forward, and also for performing half naked in a faith based school.

According to a student, who does not want his name to be disclosed, said the management only wanted to cover up for their actions, because they were laughing and enjoying themselves while olamide was performing. He further explained that Olamide should not have been accepted, when they know the kind of songs he sings, and still they paid him huge money which should have been distributed freely to JABU students.The service was later brought to an end, when Pastor D O Alabi, took the school in a round of Prayers and deliverance

Reported By : Ajayi Taiwo Peter

The Lion Reporters

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