Two Housewives Set Suspected Husbands’ Lovers Ablaze

In Ebonyi state, first wives demonstrate their anger against their husbands for taking second wives by setting the intruder ablaze, and making sure they are burnt to death.


Women are generally cast in the mold of meek, compassionate and in fact weaker vessels when it comes to emotional issues and tasks requiring practical display of energy. But that gentle and fragile mien pales into insignificance when it comes to defending their territory in matters of love and matrimonial relationships.Even the Holy Bible warns of the fury of an injured and jealous woman, which is comparable to a tempestuous and destructive storm.
The most recent tragic event occurred two weeks ago at Akpoha community in Afikpo North local government area of the state, when a house wife simply identified as Ogeri allegedly set her husband’s lover ablaze.

The fire burnt the co- wife to death. Tragically too, when the alleged offender was arrested by the police, her one-year-old child died probably out of shock. Ogeri’s husband, Mr. UroObasi, a commercial motor cycle operator was also arrested.The victim of the recent Akpoha tragedy, a 22 year-old girl, whose name was given as Miss Felicia hailed from Igbo in Abi local government area of Cross River State. It is not yet clear if she was ever married to Obasi, as the first wife is claiming.

The marriage theory appears to have crashed when family members described it as false, baseless and misleading. Rather, they said that Felicia came to the Apostolic Church Akpoha to seek solutions to her numerous personal and psychological problems and had on arrival, requested Obasi, a member of the same church, to assist her secure accommodation, and even provide her with food items.Newsmen gathered that instead of getting accommodation for Felicia in a different location in the town, Obasi asked her to move into his matrimonial home. Thereafter, he reportedly explained to his mother Mrs. Virginia Oko, and his wife that Felicia was stranded and he decided to assist her by bringing her to their matrimonial home.

Apparently, his wife didn’t believe the story. She was said to have interpreted her husband’s kind gesture towards a visitor “in dire need of assistance” to mean a veiled arrangement to take a second wife.
And filled with fury over her husband’s action, Ogeri, according to an eye witness, emptied two litres of petrol through the back window of a room occupied by Ogeri at about 11am while she was asleep, and discreetly set the room ablaze.When the fire started, the cry of the victim attracted neighbours, who broke the door before she ran out stark naked with fire all over her body. The neighbours could not save Felicia’s life as she died on the way to the hospital.

Nwaokpuru a neighbour living close to where the incident happened said: “I was in my room one night when I heard someone shouting Jesus …Jesus…Jesus… I quickly rushed out to see what was happening though before then the whole place had been covered by smoke … I saw someone, a woman, run out of the room, still shouting Jesus…Jesus…Jesus…and she happened to be Felicia”.
When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer, Ebonyi State Police Command, Mr. John UkieEluu, an assistant superintendent of police confirmed the incident to Newsmen.

Reported by Ajayi Taiwo Peter 

The Lion Reporters

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